Design and Code an Animation

Learning Intentions

Judging Standards

Lesson 1 | Create a data monster

Learning Intentions


 What are symbols and what is their purpose?

What symbols do you see in your daily lives?

Class brainstorm on board.

What does representation mean?

Chat to your shoulder partner and share.

Can you think about why symbols and representation is important in technology and the online environment (internet)?

Class discussion.

"Imagine trying to use words to describe every scene in a film, every note in a song, or every street in your town. Now imagine trying to do it using only the numbers 1 and 0. Every time you use the Internet to watch a movie, listen to music, or check directions, that’s exactly what your device is doing, using the language of binary code."

The binary number system is a base-2 number system. This means it only has two numbers: 0 and 1. 

Binary numbers are very useful in electronics and computer systems.
Digital electronics can easily work with a sort of "on" or "off" system where "on" is a 1 and "off" is a zero. 

Create a Data Monster

Use the following rules to create
a data monster which represents you.


Square- Boys 

Triangle- Girls


Your age


Your favourite colour


Oval- Blonde hair

Rectangle- Brown hair

Diamond- Black hair

Trapezium- Red hair


Number of people in your family. Parents and siblings.


Think of another feature which can be added to your monster.
(hair, eyebrows)

What personal characteristic (data) can you add?
(type of pet, number of pets, least favourite colour)

Add it to your monster.

Write underneath your monster what was your chosen data.

Monster feature
Chosen Data

Lesson Two  |  Program Sequencing- Scratch Junior 

Learning Intentions

Simon Says

Play a game of Simon Says.

Why is it so important Simon's instructions are given properly?

Chat to your shoulder partner and share.

Why is it so important the players follow Simon's instructions?

Class discussion.

Why are specific instructions and detail so important in computer programming and coding?

As discussed in lesson one, a computer's
software (its programs; or brains) use binary
code (1's and O's) to write digital data
or messages telling the computer what to do. 

It uses the language of 1's and 0's to
represent on and off. If the instructions
or sequence is incorrect the binary
coding won't work and the sequence fails. 

This mean a part of the program
will have an error and not work like you want it too.

Program the Teacher

Give Mrs Guest a set of instructions
to get from one part of the classroom to another.

What did you notice? Discuss.

Why is it so important instructions are specific?

Is the order of the sequence also important? Why? 

What would happen if you changed the order of your sequence?

Would your teacher end up where they were meant to?

Class discussion.

Scratch Junior

Open the
Scratch Jnr app.

Create a new project

To DELETE or remove a block, drag the block back
into the blocks menu above the scripting area.


Explore and experiment using these blocks.

What do you notice?

What are you not able to do?


Can you explain why sequencing is so important?

Use your experiences from coding Scratch Cat within your explanation.

Lesson Three  |   Direct Motion Sequencing

Learning Intentions

Program the Teacher

Give your teacher a set of instructions
to get from one part of the classroom to another.

Your are only allowed to use the following terms:






Was this more or less challenging that last week and why?

Class discussion.

Changing the background

Motions- Hop, Home, Reset size, Turn

Adding a Character (Star)

Work as a class to give me instructions for the sequence of blocks which need to be used to move Scratch Cat to the star.

To sequence a particular character make sure you have selected the character on the left side of the screen before you code it.


Place in your own star.

Program Scratch Cat from his starting point to where you placed the star.


Share your sequence with friends and me.

Who's was successful? Who's wasn't?

What can we do to fix the sequences which are not working?

Lesson Four  |    Simultaneous Character Movement

Learning Intentions

Program the Teacher

Choose 8 students to stand in a line.

Give each student a block face down.

Show students the Green Flag and End Block.

Ask two students to be the Green Flag and End Block and move to either end of the line.

Teacher Program

The teacher stands at the Green Flag and follows the program by revealing it block by block until it ends when the End Block is reached.

Predict and Repeat

Predict where you think the teacher will end up if the program was done again 
but the Green Flag and End Block were switched around.

Repeat the program process by switching the Green Flag and End Block around. 

Were your predictions correct? Was that difficult to do?

Scratch Jnr

Following Instructions

Listen to the teacher and follow the instructions to code the sequencing correctly.

Choose the winter background.

Place Scratch Cat in the top right hand corner.

Use the following blocks.

'Move Left' block for 15.

Hop for 5.

'Move Right' block for 5.

'Turn Left' for 20.

Grow for 6.

'Move Down' for 8.

'Move Left' for 5.


Your program should look like this.

Green Flag and End Block

Add in the Green Flag and End Block.

Add in an additional character like you added in the star during the last lesson.

Reset and Stop

You can stop your program while it is playing by pressing this red hexagon.

Press the reset button to send your characters back to their starting point.

Program Character

Program your new character to start and finish at the opposite points on the background to the Scratch Cat program just created.

Get the characters to move at the same time by pressing the green flag at the top of the screen.

RPReplay_Final1652671117 2.mp4
Share your sequence

Who's was successful? Who's wasn't?

What can we do to fix the sequences which are not working?

Lesson Five |  Speed blocks

Learning Intentions

Create a Race

Vote for who you think is the fastest.

Scratch Jnr

Speed Block

Teacher Check

Show your coding to your teacher to ensure you have completed the task.

Create your own race

Have a go at creating your own race, using whichever and as many characters as you like.

Lesson SixAssessment

Learning Intentions

Code a Race in Scratch Junior

You will code three different characters to compete
in a race from the left to the right of screen.


Before you start coding you must complete the worksheet to decide which three characters you will choose
and the order they will WIN the race; first (1), second (2) and third (3).

Each character has specific blocks which must ALL be used. You can't use any other blocks for that character.

Your race MUST finish in the order which you wrote on your worksheet.

You may use any background.

Each character must have: Green Flag block, End block and Home block.
